Interior Life
juried by Strange Fire Collective
Filter Photo is pleased to present Interior Life, a group exhibition juried by Strange Fire Collective. This exhibition coincided with the 2020 Filter Photo Festival.
Jurors' Statement
This We Have Now
(from Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks)
This we have now
is not imagination.
This is not
grief or joy.
Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.
Those come and go.
This is the presence that doesn't.
For most of us, the past few months have been filled with introspection due to spending large amounts of time alone or with small family groups. The world has fundamentally changed as a result of physical distancing and the long pause that the current pandemic has foisted upon us all. We’ve learned to explore our spaces, to watch the shadows on the walls, and the way the sun hits certain parts of the house at different times of the day. In this moment of slowing down, many of us have found a presence that we lacked in the time before, when we were often busy and harried. Yet, before the pandemic, there was also an innocence in the way we experienced the world and each other; none of us were yet aware of the havoc that was to become our shared reality.
The images we’ve selected speak to the theme of Interior Life in this current, complex moment. Long shadows on walls and light through windows hint at time’s passing. Time is central to the idea of presence; collectively, we have lost a sense of the days, weeks, and months. Collections of house plants and domestic animals draw our attention to the care given to people’s personal spaces. Whether they be green flowering life, or a beloved dog or cat, these companions remind us of the interconnectedness of life, and – most importantly – that we are not alone in this experience, no matter how isolated we may feel.
In the face of existential questioning and fear, we are reminded that the things we have often taken for granted – home, family, routine – are actually the most fundamental and precious. The hands of a young man simultaneously tenderly touch and cut the hair of an older man. A Zoom portrait of an older woman reminds us of the technology that, already omnipresent, has become a staple of communication and connection. Finally, a tiny yellow house against a blue sky and white clouds reminds us of the world outside our quarantine. It provides hope for the future and the new reality that we are all dreaming of and working towards: a bold, just, diverse, inclusive, and connected society.
Featured Artists
Lois Bielefeld
Gary Edward Blum
Tuan H. Bui
William Camargo
Jeanie Choi
Anastasia Davis
Annie Donovan
Jesse Egner
Arthur Fields
Nate Francis
Preston Gannaway
Brian Gee
Juan Giraldo
Conner Gordon
Olivia Alonso Gough
Mario El Khouri
Erica McKeehen
Darren Lee Miller
Deepanjan Mukhopadhyay
Jeremy Ng
Lingfei Ren
Rolls and Tubes Collective
Annick Sjobakken
Dean Snodgrass
Ursula Sokolowska
Liz Steketee
Wendy Stone
Sarah Sudhoff
Nicole White
Zoë Zimmerman
About the Jurors
Strange Fire Collective is a group of interdisciplinary artists, curators, and writers focused on work that engages with current social and political forces. They seek to create a venue for work that critically questions the dominant social hierarchy and are dedicated to highlighting work made by women, people of color, and queer and trans artists.
Their collective practice is centered around increasing the visibility of meaningful work and creating dialogue and community through publications, exhibitions, and events. They are committed to making their projects accessible, affordable, and socially relevant. Strange Fire was formed in 2015 by Jess T. Dugan, Rafael Soldi, Zora J. Murff, and Hamidah Glasgow.
On View: August 28 – October 3, 2020
Location: Filter Space | 1821 W Hubbard St, Suite 207
This exhibition was partially sponsored by The Illinois Arts Council Agency and a CityArts Grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events.